
Ain’t no stoppin’ us now

We just had a fabulous BrandedU seminar last Monday and guess what?! There is more, Ain’t No Stoppin’
Us now!

“We’re putting ourselves together.
We’re polishing up our act. Well
And if you’ve ever been held down before,
I know you refuse to be held down any more. well
Don’t you let nothing, nothing
Stand in your way.
I want you to listen, listen
To every word I say, every word I say.

(Ain’t no stoppin’ us now.) No
(We’re on the move.)”

Find out what I am talking about in this film below!

So do you want to dig deeper and find out what your strengths and unique qualities are?
Wanna show the world all that you’ve got to offer?

Don’t let nobody stop you now!
Because with my face to face e-course classes you can build your personal brand in just one month.

Why am I doing this?

I had too many women come up to me and say they wanted to follow the e-course but were being held back because of it being only online. Hence my solution, we are going to do this in one group. No more than 20 of us and with the added benefit of coming together to discuss our findings once every week. What better motivation do you need to get things done?!

What is the face to face e-course class?
Every week you finish a module (consist of 2 or 3 chapters) by yourself at home and then on tuesday we
come together to discuss your findings. It only takes 4 weeks as we have only 4 modules. The course costs
only €999 and if you want you can pay this in installments. There is one extra benefit: you can keep the

e-course for life! So you can also go back to any chapter if you need to after the classes end.

When do we start and where will the classes be held? 
We start on the 25th of October at the Corendon Vitality Hotel in Amsterdam, join us from 19.00-21.00!

Ain’t no stoppin’ us now. No We’re on the move.

