Free Nelson Mandela!
This song by The Specials was so influential and helped in the world wide movement focused on ending APARTHEID. I was 11 when it came out and used to sing it in school and we discussed Apartheid. Sometimes we would write letters for his release. I just remember us being active!
The lyrics went like this:
“Twenty-one years in captivity
Are you so blind that you cannot see?
Are you so deaf that you cannot hear?
Are you so dumb that you cannot speak?
I said free Nelson Mandela”.
We actively worked together to end one of the most horrible time in current history. Last week I got a call from Nadia Zerouali, a previous BrandedU speaker, she asked me to become active again. On the 25th of September we will be walking from Amsterdam Zuidoost to Museumplein. The campaign is called IEDER1.
Why? Because Ieder1 means The Netherlands belongs to everyone, yes to EVERYONE who lives in The Netherlands. The campaign is to celebrate our multicultural society and is meant to be inclusive. This is also what BrandedU is about, everyone is welcome (well except men ;-)). All ages, professions, backgrounds, believes are welcome because being inclusive means the end to racism and sexism.
Will you be joining us? Let us know by replying this email!
I leave you with two things. Firstly, this lovely video by Annemarie van Gerrevink, she will be talking about perception at the BrandedU seminar coming Monday.
So we are counting down, just 5 more days till BrandedU and I am feeling generous. I realize not everyone can afford an entrance ticket so I am giving away 1 free ticket. All you need to do is reply this email with your motivation why you should get this ticket. Yep that is all! Just tell us why it should be you and sister, keep it personal.
Can’t wait to see some of you on monday!