Dear ladies,
It’s been a while but guess what?! I am back!
Yes girl your weekly side kick has returned. So what are we talking about this week? As you know I love to share lessons learned and today we have lessons learned from 5 top Dutch female leaders. Because in honor of Equal Pay Day, Great Place to Work in collaboration with BrandedU released a white paper called ‘What everyone can learn from women leaders’.
So what is it about?
It discusses the 5 level of leadership and talks about the different kinds of leadership with 5 Dutch women leaders. In the Netherlands men still earn 15% more than women. We need to fix that. A key element to closing the Gender Pay Gap is having more female role models. I believe that the new generation needs top level corporate women to inspire them, role models who are visible so they can raise the ambitions of other women. You know we always put our money where our mouth is and that is why this autumn we launched a new program called: Lead to Empower.
And… The 5 women featured in the white paper were the first women to follow the Lead to Empower program. So today they are stepping into the spotlight and you can download the white paper and read the stories of: Sharita Boon (Commercial Director, DPG Recruitment), Wencke Lorber (Commercial Director, Great Place to Work Nederland), Jayani Masthoff (Co-owner and MD, Goudsteen & Danaë), Mirjam Bakker (Teamcoach Credit Risk, ABN AMRO) and Ineke Tolud (Manager Design & Development, Rituals).
The whitepaper ends with the 7 aspects everyone can develop in their own leadership style.
Don’t tell me I never give you anything, because the coming weeks up until Xmas I will be sharing my biggest personal branding lessons learned of 2019.
I am excited to be back, how about you?!
XOXO Nancy