Newsletter: She drives me crazy!

Remember, Fine Young Cannibals?  If you’ve never heard of them go check this out, you’ll feel like dancing immediately:

Girlllllll…….This last week has been amazing! I am full of gratitude of all the things I have experienced. The songtitel in the subject line really only refers to how I can drive myself crazy by taking on too much and forgetting to be thankful for what is right in front of me. Let me explain!

My BFF took me to Paris to watch the Iris van Herpen Fashion show. I was afraid to go because she drives really fast and I am the worst person in the passenger seat ever. But it was so great!! I loved every second of it. Best. Decision. Ever.

Nancy & Victoria

So about Iris van Herpen. Talk about personal branding here, Iris is a rockstar in Paris. Her show was full of the most important people in the fashion industry. I was happily surprised to see fashion in its purest form. No glamour (most people where on sneakers… even the women), no goodie bags, on the chairs was a piece of paper with info of the fabrics used and how her idea of the collection was formed. And then Iris came on. She walked up this tiny woman from Wamel, the Netherlands, who had followed her dream of becoming a fashion designer. Iris knows how important it is to connect herself to the right people to gain her kind of audience. That is why she moved to Paris. Again to follow her dream. Remember what I always say? Personal Branding is about your dreams, your wishes and your desires! What do you really want to do with your life?

Yep, that’s Gwendoline Christie of Game of Thrones lying there on the ground.

Then later that day I gave a personal branding talk at the NSMBL Festival. I was very hesitant before. I knew they had a young audience and was afraid that 20-25 year old women would not understand the need for personal branding. To be honest I didn’t think a lot of girls would show up to the workshop. Then 5 minutes before it was about to start I heard there were 100 women waiting outside…inside there was only room for 30!

We rocked the house, I say we because Astrid Rose helped me that day. It was sooooo much fun. These girls were all in it! They were interacting, they stood up and presented themselves, they had such confidence I loved it. So my next dream is to develop a programm for 18-25 year olds. Not sure what but hey I know they are up for it!. NSMBL gave me the best test market!

If you are still looking for tips on presentation read this article by Astrid Rose!


And we still have some seats left for the Presenting Comfortably masterclass on the 9th of november if you’d like to join me, Astrid Rose and Buffi Duberman!
So I am thankful for so many things, if only I can stop driving myself crazy!