So Dionne Warwick was Whitney Houston’s godmother and this song is one of my favorites. She sings it together with Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Gladys Knight. It is just the best! 

I mean where would we be without our friends? Our support group, the people who lift us up when we feel down and stick with us no matter what. 
The ones that believe in us when we have lost confidence. And the ones who talk us up to people who need to see us.  

Well, I have just been so lucky to have had those kinds of friends this last year. I have to admit I have gotten better over the years with finding those women (and men) who are authentic and also very supportive. Ones who aren’t jealous but actually cheer you on when you become successful. You need those kinds of people in your life. 

Daphne Feller to my right on this picture is one of those friends, We became acquainted in 2016 and have been growing our businesses together in the most supportive way. As it should be with women. Daphne’s expertise and passion on how the brain works has made me enthusiastic about a subject I never thought I’d be. What I love about her is that she is always in for all my crazy ideas. It is so nice when people just go for it because they believe in you.  

Go find yourself those kind of friends to work with or at work, You need them, they are like oxygen when you are having difficulty breathing.  


p.s. the picture was taken at the Board of Believers in Female Leadership Mentorship Breakfast on the 28th of November at TomTom’s. We brought 80 mentees and mentors together to connect and learn from each other.